Solaren's Perspective on Little Phoenix
Author's notes: Solaren is a secondary / supporting character I created to give more depth and dimension to the two emerging main...

#WIP Snippet #amwriting
I thought I share a teaser of my WIP. This is the perspective of Ocelyn, daughter of Ikrah, in her not brightest moments of her tender...

Return of Ikrah - Almost Drowning His Love
He couldn't help himself in that moment. Camouflaging himself to match the surrounding, he made his way to the pond and climbed in under...

Return of Ikrah: Prologue
Exiled for ten years at the Decree of the Emperor, Ikrah existed as a forgotten memory until a man of mystery fell from grace landing at...

Return of Ikrah: Little Phoenix's Behest to His Wife
Little Phoenix came over and sat down on the other bedside, taking hold of her hand. "Ikrah, whatever you please, I won't stand in your...

Return of Ikrah: Solaren's Envy
.....She set the basket of flowers onto the stone bench in the garden. Sitting down, she frowned sadly. She was beyond tears now, having...

Return of Ikrah: Intimate Strangers, Old Flames
Up and above in the heavens, he searched for her trail. She had headed due north from the looks of how a dent riveted through the rolling...