Zandria Reclaim: Shopping a Suitor for a Squire's Hand
"Oh, by the way," Aquine began to say, "you really have to watch yourself from now on." He winked to Taye for the heads up about the...

Niele Aka-No Ikrah T’Sire
translation ~ Niele’s Eclipse Moon Born Inspired by the background of truth about Ikrah of Falshire, daughter of the Dragon Emperor...

Return of Ikrah - Almost Drowning His Love
He couldn't help himself in that moment. Camouflaging himself to match the surrounding, he made his way to the pond and climbed in under...

Return of Ikrah: Little Phoenix's Behest to His Wife
Little Phoenix came over and sat down on the other bedside, taking hold of her hand. "Ikrah, whatever you please, I won't stand in your...

Zandria Reclaim: Family React to Abduction
Every day was the same for his mother, who stood pining by the window looking out to the sea of sand dunes of the Zand. There were days...

Return of Ikrah: Intimate Strangers, Old Flames
Up and above in the heavens, he searched for her trail. She had headed due north from the looks of how a dent riveted through the rolling...

Zandria Reclaim: Knight's Ball
Ikrah was still marveling over the medal while sitting in bed still dressed in the livery lent to her by Taye. She loved it as much as...