Zandria Reclaim: Shopping a Suitor for a Squire's Hand
"Oh, by the way," Aquine began to say, "you really have to watch yourself from now on." He winked to Taye for the heads up about the...
Zandria Reclaim: Family React to Abduction
Every day was the same for his mother, who stood pining by the window looking out to the sea of sand dunes of the Zand. There were days...
Meet the Elemental Incarnates
Immerse yourself in the world of Elemental Incarnates in the epic The Mage Emperor with this exclusive offer from the author. A rich tape
Last and youngest of all the Elemental Incarnates, the Chameleon is born to nobility in the House of Grace in name only. The true origin...
Characters in The Mage Emperor Dregin
Unforgettable characters that haunted me for years until I put them all on paper. Dregin, White Mane, Legran, and Stone Bird are the...