Never Stopped Writing
Some might wonder why my blog is sparse and sparing. I'll tell you why. I haven't blogged as much, because I spent the last few years to intensely spend time with my family while maintaining progress to my sequels. Let me tell you, having kids can certainly take up most of your time. Everything else is put on the back burner, even if that meant setting a writer's pace to a snail's crawl.
That can make me feel small. I never gave up my writing though, staying up late those wee hours of the night typing away every page or paragraph or sentence I could squeeze into the next chapter. I trudged along those many nights and sneaky naps to keep going. That is the price of love. Besides honing my craft, I wrestled with learning new things online. Life is about learning. Constantly learning. Unfortunately for me, time seems to be a shrinking luxury with age creeping up on me. I hate to say it matters not how I race, but it matters how I finish the race. Running at my own pace has its own rewards. I wouldn't trade any of it.
Along the way, I find my own voice in all I do. It is a journey, and I am not done yet.