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New Book Cover Release

Took me a while to get the typography to my liking, and hopefully to those who prefer not-too-garish or fancy word art. I really love beautiful unique things. But I've run into a group of readers who felt my previous cover to be grossly ambitious and arrogant. Although I'm not sure they're even buyers in there.

See the gold emboss fonts? I just don't understand why they are uninterested based on the look of this book cover.

Anyway, I've expressed my concern and thought about leaving the group to one of the administrators there, because of not receiving any reciprocating reviews after I've done several there. She convinced me to stay with showing me some pointers to changing the typography of my book cover.

So, I have been doing some tweaking, pinching, color swathing, and tinkering around with my book cover. Do people realize I don't have a professional artist at my disposal? Which got me thinking. Maybe people aren't ready for the look of my books. That my vision somehow disturbs an adverse effect, because of the precise reason that I am an indie author.

Yet, I have chosen to conform. So here goes:

The Mage Emperor Dregin

What was too much text has foregone some whittling. I still feel my previous book cover has the effect of a dragon to it. After all, Dregin is the reincarnation of one, born to human form to suffer his trials in the mortal realm.

I hope this improves acceptance in the readership out there.


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