Snippet from my WIP

Their honeymoon were endless nights of lovemaking and sweet mornings of coupling till noon. Before long, they anticipated Ocelyn's birth. They were happy in love. Life was good and beautiful. Aquine and Taye soon were away on their missions, leaving Obendell's affairs to the newlywed couple to manage.
They were sitting leisurely at afternoon tea when an uninvited guest entered their den, walking in there drenched from head to toes. Little Phoenix carried a dark mood about him as he regarded Ikrah in Thoran's arms while she knitted a baby dress.
"So," Little Phoenix charged, "I thought I should join the party."
Thoran slid himself up and off from his seat beside his wife, striding his way toward the astranged visitor. "Why can't you be happy for us?"
"Happy? She is mine! She was happy with me!"
"Was she, now?" Sarcasm dripped from Thoran's voice. "You stole a kiss----"
"Correction, I had two. One brought her back to life before you ever came along."
"Let's take this outside."
Ikrah got to her feet, scowling sourly. "Must you two fight over me? I am not a prize."
They echoed each other in replying to her: "Yes, you are."
As she stomped her way toward them, they both transformed into slithering swirls of water crashing off like two waves in different directions bursting through the roof. Each revealed their roaring spirit spearing through the head of those tidal waves. Thoran's was a reptilean creature with spanning hydra crests to the cranium, while Little Phoenix was chimerical. She picked up her strides running outside only to see a water display duel rolling in the sky as these two watery creatures fought in circles.
"And you call this playing fair?" Little Phoenix's voice reverberated across their minds.
The watery Hydra swooped in wrestling the Chimera to the ground. "I'm catching up to your level," Thoran replied as his spirit form pounded on his opponent.
Under the shower of strikes, Chimera thrashed viciously digging its hindlegs' talons into the creature sitting on it. Little Phoenix materialized out of his Soul Spirit, conjuring a ring of water and fire between the span of his outstretched arms. He spun it at the Hydra that exploded in a burst of power sending Thoran reeling back into human form rolling on the ground. The younger man grunted with a distasteful smug curl to his lips. Turning around, he directed his candid mood on Ikrah.
"Now, my prize."